Sunday, January 2, 2011

The current theory that the tenth planet in our solar system is essentially based on two fundamental points: 1 - This is historical information brought to light primarily by Zacharia Sitchin, historical texts, artifacts, drawings and cylinder seals The theory states that the planet called Nibiru 10. Planet of the solar system, with an elliptical orbit that takes it home every 3600 years. 2 - There are scientific observations of a large object that the Kuiper BeltDisturb the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. The research was in 1840 an object that could explain this gravitational phenomenon (Planet X) to explore. Pluto was discovered in 1930, but felt it was very weak influence of gravity to explain the anomaly. In 1980, this research conducted by NASA and some papers have been published, others were retained. There are also scientific evidence and astronomical ground is a dark twin (Nemesis) has abrown dwarf or failed star, whose movement could explain the long-period comets flying into the Earth from the Oort Cloud. If the dark star exists, as a companion to our Sun, then it might be possible that a planet can elliptical orbit around the two. Planet X Video Original documentary proposing that Planet X Nibiru coming at this time. The historical evidence Robert Sepehr Geology past research to develop land and...