Habitat 2

Posted by Mr.John at 3:30 PM

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Orbital Habitat -------------------- This design is based on the famous Stanford Torus.This one is quite a bit larger but still rotates at about 1RPM to provide centripetal* force in order to simulate gravity approximating 1G. There are other notable differences. The Stanford Torus specified terraced farming levels on the inner rims, and housing scattered among the "plains" and low hills. This one features large agricultural areas, with most of the living spaces assigned to the rims where the major transport systems would be located. Also featured is the central canal or river of the habitat. This provides irrigation for farms, a secondary transport channel within the colony, and kilometres of shoreline for recreational and aquaculture activities. The original Stanford Torus was designed to accommodate approximately 10000 people. This design is for more in the order of 20-30000. As with the original concept, the idea is for this to be a permanent colony in space. It is home to the people who would build and maintain an array of solar-power-satellites. Sunlight and the Mirror Systems -------------------------------------------- Other similarities with the Stanford Torus are the mirror systems used to direct sunlight into the colony. The primary sun-mirror is a disc approximately 2km in diameter composed of aluminium coated mylar film, or similar material. The mirror directs sunlight to the secondary "conical" mirror array. The conical mirrors are composed of panels that ...
