Friday, October 28, 2011

Comparison of planet and star sizes. **MORE INFO BELOW** All planets and stars are scaled correctly. Contains all of the planets in our solar system (and Pluto), our sun, Vega (a star), and VV Cephi A (an enormous star, estimated to be the 3rd largest). Order of Planets and Stars: Pluto, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, The Sun, Vega, VV Cephi A Also, at the end of the video, Vega is actually visible as a very small blue dot in the center of the screen. *Note: Planet rings are not to scale, they are simply aesthetic. Song is "Fury Unleashed" This video was created entirely by me with blender V2.49 and V2.56Beta. Creation/Development Time: 20 Hours Render Time: 16 Hours Changelog: Version 1: The first full render which was done after the video was deemed worthy for upload. Can be viewed here: Version 2: Rendered in 1080p. Has improved camera angles and a black background instead of default blue. Can be viewed here: Version 3 (Final Version): Also rendered in 1080p. Has lower lighting levels. Removed specular lighting form planets, made all stars bright, and added soft reflections. Also optimized planets for faster render speed and added shadows. Added my own audio instead of using YouTube's AudioSwap. License: Commercial use: May be allowed if I have been contacted first and an agreement made. You can use whatever licensed soundtrack you wish. A new version with fully textured and bump-mapped ...