Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We replaced the windmill that the electric company broke with another one we got off eBay. We bought it as an 850Watt unit, but I do not believe the blades could turn fast enough to make that much in a 100MPH wind storm. We got the inverter off of eBay. I was thinking about selling them, if enough people wanted one, I believe I would sell them for a little cheaper on my site then I could selling them on eBay because of the listing fees. The last part is my old system with new Blades. The guy and girl that do GREENPOWERSCIENCE have a great video or two on how to cut them out. We also added a new part for the tail pipe to go into so that the tail will stay straight. The old Lazy Susan was a 4inch and we replaced it with a 6 inch. This should help carry the weight a bit better since this windmill has to be getting close to 100 pounds now. If you live in the northwest North Carolina or northeast TN area and have a project you have made or put together Please let me know. We like looking at do-it-yourself projects.