Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Villa lights that float is designed to connect the earth with the sky in a circle. His spiritual elements and insulation on the slopes of the volcano Poas offers relaxation and inspiration for prayer and meditation. The villa is ideal for the creative ideas of artists or those who are spiritual or personal growth. His style is his neo-monastic rooms suitable for workshops, seminars, retreats and presentations of music and theater. The villa is situated on the slopes of PoasVolcano Above the town, with views of Central Greece Green Valley Villa Costa Rica lights, floating from their point of view of thousands of lights in the central valley below, the nights full of stars and fireflies is called drift. In the yard of a flooded part of the fireball seems to float well. Small arched bridges to the centers of ice shining in the night the lights of the pool below. He said that based on experience in anthropology owner Gene Warnekecreated the basic design in 1990. After traveling through several continents, the genes found an ideal site to build a house and a great visionary and talented architects, Rodrigo Torres. Together, they create a modern monument to the sacred past. The villa is a harmony of ovals and circles, the integration of the country, with the sky. more curves to create a harmonious and comfortable. Unique, holy is the Indian village mix designForms and ...
