Monday, July 5, 2010

This is a video that takes a lot of money to spend SHOW large systems. BLACK units in the background is that of a friend is with great pleasure the help I'm doing. Its electrical system was almost entirely destroyed by lightning. It would be too expensive for repairs and new discoveries and old bill to reconnect destroyed especialy with a new service for repairs and improvements in a box of switches and cables from the house. Although this deviceNO normally provide a regular house permit HOLD, lights, radio, television, the phone is fully charged, and other things but not all at once or continuously. But $ 20 per day of gas, not a generator option. A bag of ice and cold in. We also have solar water heaters. BY 01:00 there will be enough water to wash and take a hot bath. Then, through television or radio for a few hours of relaxation of the stored energy to ON. Then go with a smile "Sleep." IfAt night you can turn on the light. And all for free. I have a confession about the first video all over the top of CREA. This means that the video of the seventh or eight is a fact. I did it for someone else, but I destroyed a set of cables coil draw well when I'm rebuilding the cable from the opposite side. But the system of 12 volts instead of 24 volt system does not decrease when the knife...