Sunday, July 25, 2010

U.S. Army soldiers search situational awareness (SA), electronic devices psychosocial risk being blinded by the power of the battery. This is just one reason that is not good enough, every e-Future Combat System (FCS hours PCS) Ltd. "icing on the cake" cake evil, such as foot stepped on a force of light infantry is flat FCS energy sources form of a tank driven by shortages of fuel and solar cells for the regeneration of the shares. You need a junior or FSC"PCS-Light" - the transport of high-technology M113 Gavin light tank and no SA team - and winning the fight against Cross-Country Mobility gives armor and firepower - and not an expensive obstacle When a wheel drives Humvee / Stryker / JLTV truck is: Here is a U. S. Army Command and Staff College School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), an infantry officer Report, Major William Sutey the need for an SUV (XCM) M113 Gavin light tanks to improve monitoring of vehicles LIGHTInfantry labor mobility, protection and firepower. Read it. Some small devices that only small amounts of electricity can crank soldier solar energy, and this video is a commercial, off the shelf (COTS) solution for light mobile phones that can be used of 'hip. Clearly, a charger specially built pocket military is capable of higher costs and less. The crank flashlight 5027 is available in Nebo or Buffalo ToolsAvailable ...