Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fractal Zoom Download lossless1.8GB version hd-fractals.com and witness the crispness! :) playback is very smooth! music provided by 90watts.com If you are wondering what the hell you are looking at then check out this blog post.... http full length version (13m44s) can be seen on vimeo here... vimeo.com What can I say? how about the bare facts. I will let you make up your mind about the animation itself and hope you leave a comment. so here are the facts... Two days to set up, and then several months to render, resulted in around forty 1.9GB uncompressed .AVI files. I added watermarking, fx and time remapping, before multi-pass encoding the 80GB video in h264 (32768 kbit/sec) and the audio in AAC. The final result is a very high quality 13m44s 1.77 GB (1903726592 bytes) .MP4 can be downloaded instantly from my blog here www.hd-fractals.com "Louis CK" quote "To those who might wish to "torrent" this video: look, I don't really get the whole "torrent" thing. I don't know enough about it to judge either way. But I'd just like you to consider this: I made this video extremely easy to use against well-informed advice. I was told that it would be easier to torrent the way I made it, but I chose to do it this way anyway, because I want it to be easy for people to watch and enjoy this video in any way they want without "corporate" restrictions. Please bear in mind that I am not a company or a corporation. I'm just some guy. I paid for the production and posting of this video ...
