Thursday, December 1, 2011

In this short video series we will explore the basics of setting up an alternate energy system. What each component does, how it functions and it's place in an off grid system. Designed specifically for the homesteader or survivalist, this video is designed to help get you started on your road to energy independence! No matter what your preparing for: nuclear war, terrorism, economic collapse, market crash, food shortages, famine, etc. Having a working Alternate energy system can help greatly around your homestead or survival retreat. There is one section of this video that has poor lighting, this could not be helped. If your looking for Spielberg cinematography, you came to the wrong place! We know the lighting is bad in that part, no need for immature comments regarding this. If you don't like, don't watch! tags- survival, survivalist, survival retreat, homesteading, preparedness, prepare, terrorism, war, EMP, nuclear, obama, 911, alex jones, alternate energy, solar power, wind power, micro hydro, inverter, battery bank, charge controller, solar panel, PV panel, generator diesel, peak oil, end of oil, oil crash, gas prices, food storage, food shortage, militia logistics, Matthew 24, end times prophecy, AIG, Lehman brothers, Osama Obama Chelsea's Momma, LOL anything else that will bring people in ;) Alternate Energy 2