Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stewart Brand, an icon of the environmental movement has developed a provocative approach to the recovery of our planet. In his latest book, the brand offers solutions to three fundamental changes happening today: climate change, urbanization and biotechnology. In 1966, he campaigned for the image of a NASA satellite, and then release the voices of all the Earth from space. quarterly founded in 1974, the co-evolution The Whole Earth Catalog was - the Bible for 70 years ". Throughout the movement of the country "in Coevolution Quarterly, No. 4, published a transcript of the art historian Lewis Mumford spoke subsequent transformation of the people, saying:? ... The man has enough money to change the direction of modern civilization, as the man who should be the passive victim of its own technological development irreversible. "The fire is one of the founders of the well with Larry Brilliant, the Global Business Network and lengthNow the Foundation. He lives in a houseboat with his wife, Ryan Phelan, the port of Sausalito.