Monday, May 3, 2010

'Enlighten Yourself' TV show hosted by Artist of the Aura, Carol Skylark. 'Healer Healing Self' is the theme of our new season's episodes. Carol, our Aura Reading, Portrait Painting Psychic is faced with a recurrence of cancer. How this healer heals herself becomes the theme for this weekly reality show. After 18 years of surviving cancer, Carol once again faces its mysteries. We'll experience what she suffers through, learns from, feels, thinks and does to stay alive and inspired. New alternative and allopathic cures, doctors, diets and decisions all get integrated into a new life style. Challenged by four years of producing this show on a tiny budget with only a few interns; editing till 4am and working all the next day have become her key unsolved problems easily labeled "self abuse". We are going to travel with Carol as she solves these issues...moves from the city to country, streamlines the show segments and attracts the perfect collaborators. This healer will be sharing with us every week, every nuance and aspect of healing in her own amusing, creative and visionary manner. The show, sometimes heart breaking and challenging, is always enlightening and hopeful as Carol offers for others her recipes for finding light and new life along this somewhat dark and frightening path. Stay tuned, Register for YouTube and SUBSCRIBE to be notified of each new episode. Much appreciation and many thanks for journeying with us. Light Torch Productions.