Sunday, March 14, 2010

This video by the Colorado Mining Association presents an informative and educational video on how mining matters to each and every one of us in our every day life, not just in Colorado but around the world. Many do not realize that our modern society relies on mining for many of the products and comforts we enjoy including such electronic devices such as computers, cell phones, MP3 Players, home appliances, and medical diagnostic equipment to name a few . Many of the facets of the lifestyle we enjoy in Colorado would not be possible without mining, including ski lifts, roadway anti-skid treatments, mountain bikes, , as well as the heat , shelter and electricity needed to survive a long cold mountain night. Colorado is a major producer of molybdenum (called moly for short) which is used in stainless steel, cars, lubricants, and light bulbs. Moly is also used in automotive catalytic converters, to help keep our environment clean. Mining provides for personal health care products you use every day such as cosmetics, toothpaste, deodorant, calamine lotion, baking soda, and your sunscreen! 72% of Colorado's electricty is provided by clean, abundant coal. Coal provides 50% of the electricity nationwide. Colorado coal is low in ash and sulfur; therefore, it is considered "clean coal" Modern methods of filtering and scrubbing coal plant stack emissions provide for cheap and affordable energy to energize our economy and meet the affordable energy costs with little emissions into ...