Nano Solar

Posted by Mr.John at 10:30 PM

Monday, January 9, 2012

Nano-solar -- This is a company that as the potential to change the world. It has developed proprietary technology that makes it possible to simply roll-print solar cells that require only 1/100th as thick an absorber as a silicon-wafer cell (yet deliver similar performance and durability). It has so far raised over $1Bn US and is building a factory in the US, Germany and Wales. Their technology dramatically lowers the process cost and complexity involved in the production of thin-film solar cells and makes it possible to scale production very rapidly. The result sets the standard for the technology and products that make it possible to put A Solar Panel on Every Building™. Nanosolar is on track to make solar electricity: i. cost-efficient for ubiquitous deployment ii. mass-produced on a global scale iii. available in many versatile forms.