Thursday, November 10, 2011

This is a video of the suspected object being seen by multiple witnesses over the Isles of Capri Florida near Marco Island Florida. Below is a description from the witnesses of case number 24444. There have been multiple sightings by different witnesses ranging back to April of this year. Some of the witnesses (anonymous and MUFON witnesses) have reported seeing the same objects in the near and far past in one case back to 1951 in the same area. MUFON Case# 24444 Witness Description "This is the 6th time I have seen this northwest of my house over the water. It was colorful, round in shape, silent and moved closer to me for a brief moment, then backed away. It turned on its side several times and looked more saucer shaped, then back to hover in its original state which was round. My daughter in law and son took video clips of it. In the video you can see that it was moving around. At one time when it came in closer, it disappeared and at the same time, the battery on my still camera and my son's video camera went dead. After about 60 seconds, it reappeared, and both of our cameras began working again. " Conclusions There is a possibility that this video is a known solar system planet however the video does show towards the end an unusual characteristic not typical of a planetary body. The conditions were perfectly clear and a few trees were below the object in the foreground. This case is still inconclusive and more investigation is needed. Case 22854 Full report from May ...