hand Crank Generator

Posted by Mr.John at 7:30 AM

Saturday, February 5, 2011

US Army Soldiers seeking Situational Awareness (SA) through electronic mental gadgets are at risk of being blinded by battery power failure. This is just one reason why its not good enough to apply just electronic Future Combat System (FCS now the "GCV") SA "icing" to bad "cake" like foot-slogging light infantry that lacks a FCS troop-carrying tank platform with fuel-powered and potentially solar power sources to regenerate batteries for dismounted actions. They need a "FCS Junior" or "GCV-Light"--a High Technology M113 Gavin light tank to carry and charge SA devices--while offering cross-country armored mobility and battle-winning firepower--and not be a costly hindrance as a road-bound wheeled Humvee/Stryker/JLTV truck is: equickdata.com Here's an US Army Command & General Staff College School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) report by Infantry officer, Major William Sutey on the need for cross-country MOBILITY (XCM) from M113 Gavin light tracked tanks to improve LIGHT INFANTRY FORCE mobility, protection and firepower. READ IT. equickdata.com Some small devices requiring low amounts of electricity can be Soldier hand-crank and solar powered and this video shows one commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) solution for light and cell phones that can be worn on the hip. Obviously a purpose-built military pocket charger would be more capable at greater cost and less availability. equickdata.com The hand-crank 5027 flashlight available from Nebo or Buffalo Tools is featured in ...
